Critical Reflection on DA:

When I started to analyze the pitch review, I wanted to do my best to highlight some areas where the students could take my feedback and apply it. I wanted to find that balance between being nice and critical, as I wanted to the best for them in receiving good feedback. I didn’t really need to critic that much anyways, all of the students I reviewed I had really well constructed and in depth pitches that I couldn’t really fault.

I was genuinely surprised about the feedback I received when reviewing my comments. Everyone gave helpful insight in to where it would be great to explore and research. One common area I did find across my DA pitch comments was, not stating how id inform the audience about my progress. Ultimately I think that is my downfall in my pitch, I didn’t express nor highlight any information of how I was going to do this. Susie, Eric and Nyssa all gave me wonderful ideas and suggestions of how ill are able to inform the audience.

Now after reviewing my own pitch and the comments, ill mostly either looking into doing tweets or video essay. I might go into the territory of doing video essay, as it will allow me to explore the amount of information out there. However I feel with the twitter short comments using different hash tags, it might be beneficial to use short and sweet tweets or links to articles and videos breaking down the areas of my DA. With so many people in today’s world being so busy, maybe a video essay or a podcast might be harder to do. Furthermore having a quick tweet with a link on it, to allow the audience to either click and watch now or come back later would be easier for the audience to digest.

I also looked at the recommended links by my fellow classmates and what they have suggested. I can tell they all have done their own research into helping me get the right tools to making my DA better. Eric provided me with multiple links highlighting the areas of ‘ bionic eye implants’, which is very suitable for my area. Nyssa also brought up an idea for cost price for poorer communities, and how they’d be able to pay for such costs. These areas great avenues I need to investigate and provide for my audience.


Reflection of Tweets:

From week 1 of our class BCM325, we were asked to engage with the class by live-tweeting (10) and making interactions (20). However the interactions and tweets were about film that has connection to our subject such as Blade Runner and Metroplis. Our Tutor asked us during each class while breaking down a film we were watching, to find things across the Internet about the film that’s interesting or relatable. So to prove that o have engaged in weekly classes here below are some of my most prominent tweets and interactions with the class.


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The above statement I made was the articulation of some research I did surrounding The Film. This above tweet was probably my best from that week. With 3 retweets and 6 likes I must of made a decent factual statement. The tweet was based on the information I found that influenced the film metropolis. The film was built on surrounding political and cultural issues in Germany. This led to others in the class to liking and retweeting as the statement was quick, precise and accurate towards the film.


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Week 2 was probably my best tweet of all the weeks. The film we watched was ‘A space Odyssey: 2001’. I made statement in my tweet saying how practical will always be better than CGI, unless the shot was unpractical or the CGI is amazing. Accompanying the tweet I used a GIF if Michael B Jordon saying It beautiful. Not only did I get a great response in terms of like (7) and retweets (2), I actually ended up getting comments that sparked conversations. Having people agree with me and also allow fellow classmates to express their own opinion about my statement was rewarding. I even engaged with our Tutor Chris who replied to my tweet about the use of CGI.


Week 3:

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Week 3 saw me analyze the great film of “Westworld”. Now every week I try and providefun facts for the class. While researching about Westworld, I came across the great fact that Yul Bryner in the film Westwrold was the main influencer for a lot indestructible villains throughout cinema. Not only was I surprised, as I knew Yul Bryner from “The Magnificent 7”, but how one performance could influence so many different and iconic characters today such as Michael Myers from Halloween or the Terminator from Terminator. This facts was also loved by other with 4 like and 2 retweets.

Week 4:

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Week 4 saw myself comment on the film Blade Runner. Now during my first tweet I comment on a film scene showcases video footage being zoomed in and not being pixilated. I then mention how my camera when I take a normal photo is crap. This tweet was a relatable one for people as cameras are being used in everyday society, and sometimes even though you cant help it the quality is bad. Hence why I used the Anthony Anderson pic of him crying, because it’s too real. This tweet got 7 (likes) and a comment highlighting the readability of the tweet.

My next tweet was more for nostalgia purposes but it linked really well with the film. Knowing the Harrison ford plays two iconic characters that are pretty similar one from star wars and the other from Blade Runner. I thought it would be cool to put a tweet up linking the two films. It appeared the a lot of people really enjoyed the tweet, in fact this was the most likes (12) I received on any tweet before.


Week 5:

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Week 5 saw me breakdown the multilayered film of Ghost in a shell. I realized that everyone was trying to be more evident as well as more relatable with the class, hence why using memes and GIFS are so prominent in our class. During the class I struggled to keep up with the movie subtitles plus tweeting at the same time. Every time I found a new information someone had already mention it in tweet. While yes I did provide most my tweets, I retweeted a lot during the class. My tweet was based on the first revealing of Motoko camouflage ability and how it was similar to the Predator.


Critical Review of students Pitch:

With Rachel’s Pitch, i gave feedback on more the information side in terms of where she could go with the foundation she has with a great pitch. I didn’t really have much to critic her about, so i tried suggesting a couple areas maybe to look into for her podcasts she will be doing. I felt the best way to improve was too suggest areas to research to help enforce her amazing DA pitch.

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Eric’s Pitch was very unique, but most of all  intrigued me. Growing up loving games, his pitch was great. he clearly stated what he wanted to do. So when i tried giving feedback i looked into areas which he may have not heard of, plus trying to keep information and resources as relevant as possible. knowing how the growth of innovation of gaming technology, i wanted give him a couple of things he may want to include with his video essays. especially with the gaming community always growing with new technology, if your not relevant your in the past. so you always got to stay ahead of the game and be with the trend.


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Nadia had really great pitch. I was never really into the space travel and exploration, however after watching Nadia’s pitch and researching myself i was captured. I tried looking for information that would be beneficial to her DA, i found a few sites that might help her with extra information about new breakthroughs in space travel.


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